Open-access resources

Resources for teacher-researchers and mentors which are freely available online

This list of links to online resources was originally compiled by Erzsébet Békés in August 2022, with the aim of providing easy access to introductory publications for intending teacher-researchers and mentors of teacher-research, and links to examples of teacher-research organized geographically, as well as some supplementary video-based resources. For easy orientation, the list is title-led, and non-essential publication details are disregarded. Only items which are Open Access online and easily downloadable are included. [Last updated, 29 October, 2023]

A) Key publications:

Richard Smith and Paula Rebolledo (2018) A Handbook for Exploratory Action Research London: British Council.

Richard Smith (2020) Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms: A Practical Handbook New Delhi: British Council. Associated video interviews with mentors

B)   Facebook groups:

Facebook group for teachers:

Facebook group for mentors:

C)   Collections of teacher-research reports from particular regions or countries:

1)    Africa

Exploring Gender in the African Classroom, edited by Paula Rebolledo and Teresa Okoth (2023).

English Connects Action Research: Learnings from the African Classroom, edited by Paula Rebolledo, Teresa Okoth and Irene Simiyu (2023).

Teachers Researching Their Classroom Questions: Reports from Africa, edited by Kuchah Kuchah, Amira Salama and Ana Inés Salvi (2022).

Sierra Leone:
Teachers as Change Agents: Classroom Research in Sierra Leone Secondary SchoolsSierra Leone: Ministry of Education (2021).

2)    Asia

Action research in action edited by Gregory Hadley (2003).

Teaching in Low-resource Classrooms: Voices of Experience, edited by Richard Smith, Amol Padwad and Deborah Bullock (2017). Associated video presentations

Teachers’ Voices: Capturing the Dynamics of Change, edited by Bikash Chandra Sarkar, Claire Hedges, Malcolm Griffiths, Rama Mathew and Sudeb Kumar Biswas (2017). 

Teacher Research: Stories of Exploration, edited by Jayanthi N G and Divya S V (2023).

Exploratory Action Research: Stories of Nepalese EFL Teachers, edited by Laxman Gnawali, Suman Laudari and Sagun Shrestha (2021).

Exploring for Action, Acting for Change: Stories of Exploratory Action Research in Nepal, edited by Janak Singh Negi (2019).


Exploratory Action Research in Thai Schools: English Teachers Identifying Problems, Taking Action and Assessing Results, edited by Anne Burns (2023). 

The Teacher Research Journey: Voices from Champion Teacher-Researchers of Uzbekistan, edited by Elyanora Menglieva, Mamura Alimova, Malika Mirvokhidova, Ella Maksakova and Nilufar Tillaeva (2022).

3)    Australia:

[Cambridge Language Assessment] Research Notes – volumes 44, 48, 53, 56, 60, 64, 67, 69, 74, 79.
Teachers’ Voices — seven volumes of action research in ELT from Australia (1995–2001).

4)    Latin America

Horizontes 1: ELT Teacher-research in Latin America, edited by Darío Luis Banegas, Magdalena De Stefani, Paula Rebolledo, Carlos Rico Troncoso and Richard Smith (2020).

Why seek to understand classroom life?: Experiences of the Exploratory Practice Group, by Exploratory Practice Group, Rio de Janeiro (2021).

Champion Teachers: Stories of Exploratory Action Research, edited by Paula Rebolledo, Richard Smith and Deborah Bullock (2016).

Champion Teachers Mexico: Stories of Exploratory Action Research in Escuelas Normalesedited by Paula Rebolledo and Deborah Bullock (2021).
Champion Teachers Mexico II: Stories of Exploratory Action Research, edited by Paula Rebolledo and Deborah Bullock (2021).
Champion Teachers Mexico: Stories of Exploratory Action Research, edited by Paula Rebolledo and Deborah Bullock (2019).

Champion Teachers Peru: Stories of Exploratory Action Research, edited by Paula Rebolledo, Deborah Bullock and Richard Smith (2017).

Global collections of teacher-research reports

ELT Research in Action: Bringing together two communities of practice, edited by Jessica Mackay, Marilisa Birello and Daniel Xerri (2020).

Creating Quiet Reflective Spaces: Language Teacher Research Professional Development, edited by Loreto Aliaga Salas and Elena Oncevska Ager (2020).

Energizing Teacher Researchedited by Kenan Dikilitaş, Mark Wyatt, Anne Burns and Gary Barkhuizen (2019).

Stories by Teacher Researchers in an Online Research Community, edited by Aslı Lidice Goktürk Sağlam and Kenan Dikilitaş (2019).

Empowering Teacher-Researchers, Empowering Learners, edited by Gary Barkhuizen, Anne Burns, Kenan Dikilitaş and Mark Wyatt (2018).

ELT Research in Action: Bridging the Gap between Research and Classroom Practice, edited by Jessica Mackay, Marilisa Birello and Daniel Xerri (2018).

Teaching in Low-resource Classrooms: Voices of Experience, edited by Richard Smith, Amol Padwad and Deborah Bullock (2017).

Developing Insights into Teacher-research, edited by Anne Burns, Kenan Dikilitas, Richard Smith and Mark Wyatt (2017).

Developing as an EFL Researcher: Stories from the Field, edited by Siân Etherington and Mark Daubney (2017).

Teachers Engaging in Research, edited by Kenan Dikilitas, Mark Wyatt, Judith Hanks and Deborah Bullock (2016).

Teacher-researchers in Action, edited by Kenan Dikilitas, Richard Smith and Wayne Trotman (2015).

Teachers Research!, edited by Deborah Bullock and Richard Smith (2015).

D)   Resources other than books:

A Facebook Live introduction to Exploratory Action Research by Thai mentors and teachers (October, 2024)

Video from the International Festival of Mentoring Teacher-Research in ELT 2024–25.

Teachers Research! Online 2023: Proceedings of an IATEFL Research Special Interest Group conference, featuring posters, presentation videos and Q&A with teachers from around the world, edited by Aslı Lidice Göktürk Sağlam, Richard Smith and Zening Yang (April, 2023).

Video and posters from the IATEFL Research SIG event Stories of Mentoring Teacher-research (June 2023).

Teachers Research! Online 2021: Proceedings of the final event in the International Festival of Teacher-research in ELT 2021, featuring posters, presentation videos and Q&A with teachers from around the world, edited by Richard Smith, Asli Lidice Gokturk Saglam and Zening Yang (February, 2022). 

Video and posters from the International Festival of Teacher-research in ELT 2021 event Mentoring Teacher-Research – In a Time of Covid-19  (November 2021).

Webinar introduction to Exploratory Action Research (British Council webinar for secondary school teachers in Ukraine): Paula Rebolledo and Richard Smith (October 2021).

Slides for the inaugural webinar for BBELT (Mexico) Teacher Research SIG on ‘An Invitation to Research’, 8 June 2020, and webinar recording, by Richard Smith (June 2020).

Slides for the webinar for British Council India on ‘Teacher-Research: From First Steps to Mentoring’, 21 & 22 May 2020, and webinar recording, by Richard Smith (May 2020).

Teachers Research! Posters, Talks, Discussions, compiled by Richard Smith, Daniel Xerri, Yasmin Dar and Ana Inés Salvi. Record of an event for teacher-researchers in April 2014, organized by IATEFL Research SIG.

Classroom Research EVO 2021 Webinars, by Mark Wyatt, Emily Edwards, Anne Burns, Gary Barkhuizen, Kenan Dikilitas and Richard Smith.

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Richard Smith
Richard Smith
Articles: 4

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