Mentoring teachers to research their practice
This is the website for MenTRnet – an international network / community of practice of mentors of teacher-research in the field of English language teaching for speakers of other languages.
We are an active international community of over 200 mentors dedicated to supporting English language teachers to research their practice. Whether you’re actively engaged in mentoring teacher-research or simply curious about the process, MenTRnet offers a collaborative space for sharing insights, resources, and good practice. We run regular events, including an annual conference, and an online support group. Anyone involved or just interested in mentoring teachers to research their classrooms can, with no fee, join this community of practice, which currently counts 200+ members, internationally. Those interested can join us by clicking on the button below.
What We Do
The group was originally set up by Richard Smith in August 2019 in association with an open Facebook group (which all are also welcome to join), to support dissemination of the book Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms (2000, British Council). Since then, the network’s activities have expanded, with support from an ESRC/University of Warwick grant in 2020–2022 and a further grant in 2024–2027 (see History). First named ‘MenTRnet’ in February 2024, the network – with a 15-person strong committee – nowadays supports organization of:
(1) a free 5-week series of workshops on mentoring teacher-research within the annual TESOL CALL-IS ‘Electronic Village Online’ (EVO);
(2) monthly support group meetings monthly support group meetings for those involved in mentoring teachers to research their teaching;
(3) annual organization of a Teachers Research! Online conference for teachers to showcase their work, as well as an associated online event for their mentors to reflect on and share research about mentoring experiences.
During 2024–25, MenTRnet is also organizing:
(4) an International Festival of Mentoring Teacher-Research, with a series of webinars by members.
Latest Updates
Mentoring support group 2023
This group was set up in 2021 to support mentors of teacher-research who are actively engaged in mentoring. We are…
EVO 2023
In January and February 2023 Seden Eraldemir Tuyan (Cağ University, Turkey), together with Ana Garcia Stone, Ruben Mazzei, Mariana Serra…
The International Festival of Mentoring Teacher-Research in ELT (2024–25)
Organized by MenTRnet and supported by IATEFL Research SIG, Pilgrims Teacher Training Journal and British Council Free online events and recordings during 2024–25 showcasing teacher-research mentoring…
‘Enhancement mentoring for teacher-research: a hopeful response to Covid-19’
See R. Smith, S. Eraldemir Tuyan, E.A. Békés & M. Serra. 2021. ‘Enhancement mentoring for teacher-research: A positive approach in a crisis’ English…
Online resources for teacher-researchers and teacher-research mentors
This list of links to online resources was originally compiled by Erzsébet Békés in August 2022, with the aim of providing…
EVO 2022
NEW! Click here for slides from Richard’s and Seden’s TESOL Convention presentation (24 March 2022) about the 2022 EVO You…