Category Resources

Open-access resources

Resources for teacher-researchers and mentors which are freely available online This list of links to online resources was originally compiled by Erzsébet Békés in August 2022, with the aim of providing easy access to introductory publications for intending teacher-researchers and mentors…

Enhancement mentoring

‘Enhancement mentoring for teacher-research: a hopeful response to Covid-19’ ​   See R. Smith, S. Eraldemir Tuyan, E.A. Békés & M. Serra. 2021. ‘Enhancement mentoring for teacher-research: A positive approach in a crisis’ ​ English Language Teacher Education and Development Journal 24: 43–61.On 16 January 2021, Richard Smith,…


Book Cover of Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms A Practical Handbook
Interest in teacher-research for purposes of professional development has been on the increase for several years, and the needs for effective mentoring in this area are widely recognised. However, there has been a lack of guidance and material support regarding how mentors can help teachers engage in research. This book bridges the gap by offering insights, practical ideas and activities based on direct experience within teacher-research mentoring projects and programmes internationally, in particular in Latin America and South Asia.