MenTRnet Support Group monthly sessions

Why do we have monthly mentor support meetings and what do we do in them? Read this post to find out.
Why do we have monthly mentor support meetings and what do we do in them? Read this post to find out.
This blog post focuses on the experiences of the authors as they mentored teacher-researchers for school improvement.
This blog is based on a presentation given in the International Festival of Mentoring Teacher-Research on 14th September 2024, where James Mbonyuburyo, Laurent Ahishakiye, and Jean Damascene Uwamahoro shared the lessons they have learned from conducting a Hornby-sponsored teacher-research project…
This personal reflection explores the power of supportive mentoring, both in my journey as a teacher and a researcher and in what I have learned from mentoring others. Through my experiences, I’ve realized that teachers can flourish if they are supported,…
Busy teachers have little time to read, and even less time to write. Research itself can be combined with teaching but busy teachers may decide that writing up their findings for publication is too daunting, tiresome or even unnecessary. How can…
I first began to think seriously about what it meant to be ethical in my teacher research when my classroom practice, and in particular, my Exploratory Practice (Hanks 2017), was generating the data for my doctorate. Although I had an…