Here we feature a variety of articles including, but not limited to, blog-posts, reports, personal reflections and think-pieces. All of the Features are specially written by MenTRnet members for this website.

Latest Features
Supporting the publication efforts of teacher-researchers and their mentors

Busy teachers have little time to read, and even less time to write. Research itself can be combined with teaching but…
Being ethical in our mentoring of teacher research

I first began to think seriously about what it meant to be ethical in my teacher research when my classroom…
Welcome to MenTRnet!

This is the new website of MenTRnet, which itself is a newly named network for mentors of teacher-research in the…
Development of MenTRnet

The Mentoring Teacher-Research network (since February 2024 known as MenTRnet) was originally set up by Richard Smith in August 2019 in association with a Facebook group, to support dissemination of his book Mentoring Teachers to Research Their Classrooms (2000, British Council). The network was further built up by means of a series of input sessions and discussions (EVO2020) in January–February 2020 and, from May 2021 to November 2021.