Workshop series

We’re pleased to announce that, in 2025, MenTRnet will be running two five-week workshop series, in association with IATEFL Research SIG. Both workshop series willl be completely free to join. 

Mentoring photo

More information

The first of these – the IATEFL ReSIG / MenTRnet  Mentoring Teacher-Research workshop series – runs from 19 April to 24 May and will be devoted to teacher-research mentoring. Led by Seden Eraldemir Tuyan, with a team including Ravi Chakrakodi, Ana Garcia Stone, Mariana Serra and Richard Smith, the workshop series is ideal for those who have already started to mentor teachers or student-teachers to research their own practice – or those who are intending to do so. We welcome novice mentors but also returning participants, as a major purpose of the workshops is to (continue to) build our community of mentors of teacher-research worldwide. Further details, including how to register, will be provided here (on this web-page) during March and early April. In the meantime, please join the MenTRnet Facebook group or MenTRnet ‘s discussion list, which will also feature updates as they arise. The workshops feature content from this book, which you might like to browse in advance to get an idea of the kind of activity involved.

The second workshop series – the IATEFL ReSIG / MenTRnet Teacher-Research for Professional Development workshop series – runs from 29 September to 31 October and will be for teachers or student-teachers of English or other subjects who wish to begin researching their own classrooms. Led by Rubén Mazzei and Mariana Serra, the workshop series will show participants how to adopt an Exploratory Action Research approach to investigating classroom issues, featuring content from this book, which intending participants are invited to look at in advance. You can also join the Teacher-Research for Professional Development Facebook group and/or the Teachers Research! Facebook group to get updates and registration information during August and September, before the series begins.

Both workshop series will be experientially based, involving weekly input sessions and discussions using Zoom and Canvas, as well as weekly tasks to complete. Certificates will be awarded to those who complete the series by submitting a plan of action soon after the endpoint in each case.

Supported by a grant from the University of Warwick and the Economic and Social Research Council (grant reference ES/X004635/1)